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Application UI#

The application UI is designed to be as simple as possible and give the user a clear step by step instruction on how to setup and run a case.

The application UI in dicehub has the following elements:

Application UI

  1. Global navigation: main navigation with most important global functions, information about the current application and the presence of other collaborators.
  2. Toolbar: a group of menus and controls to allow quick access to functions that are commonly used in the application.
  3. Side navigation: A vertical list of navigational links to global dicehub domains. In this navigation you can find:
    • Main steps: Functions of the applications, broken down into most most important individual steps.
    • Configurations: stack of different versions (configurations) for the application.
    • Storage: The place for all the files (configurations, snapshots, resources and results) for the application.
    • Configurations editor: Editor for all configuration files which describe the dicehub flow of the application.
    • Application information: All the information about the application such as namespace, project id, application id. (Intended for debugging)
    • Keyboard shortcuts: A list which describes combinations of keystrokes on a computer keyboard which invokes most common commands.
  4. Footer: bottom section of the application which contains useful information about the application:
    • The loading state
    • The name of the active 3D visualization scene
    • The name of the active template
  5. Main steps: A visual representation of progress through the steps to complete a necessary process, in most cases to configure and run a dicehub flow. Common categories for the tasks can include:
    • Geometry: A geometry is uploaded or imported from another application.
    • Setup: Main steps to configure the application, for example turbulence model or boundary condition selection.
    • Optional: Settings which are not required for a successful run.
    • Run: customizable settings for the machines where the run is deployed and executed.
    • Result: Result of a successful run can be inspected and downloaded here.
  6. Step controls: content block which show settings for each step.
  7. 3D scene view: Main 3D scene. (The name of the active scene view is shown in the bottom right corner in the footer, for example "Config" or "Result")
  8. Logo: is a visual representation of dicehub to promote public identification. This logo redirects you to your dashboard.
  9. Main application menu: global application menu with access to advanced options.
  10. Application state indicator: includes the current state of the run and a menu to all current and previous run in the application
  11. Application name: shows the namespace and title of the application. The dropdown menu allows switching between applications without going back to the projects page.
  12. User avatars: Group of user avatars that are online at this moment.
  13. Utilities: the global system-level utilities in the application. They open panels that provide access to other places in the application. Utilities include:
  14. Settings: application main settings such as colormap or views.
  15. Chat: online chat, which provide a real-time transmission of text messages.
  16. Help: help information about the content in the application.
  17. Objects view: panel with additional controls for the 3D scene.