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🚀 0.13.0 (2024-03-01)#

This major release introduces multiple new features, including a new template for Pedestrian Wind Comfort calculations, a newly implemented Dashboard page, and numerous enhancements and fixes across the platform.

New Templates#

Pedestrian Wind Comfort#

Introducing our brand-new Pedestrian Wind Comfort template, a state-of-the-art tool designed for architects and urban planners to conduct detailed wind comfort studies. This feature provides users with specialized tools and workflows to accurately assess wind comfort levels in urban environments:

  • Automated Turbulence Model Configuration: Automatically selects the optimal turbulence model, simplifying the setup process for wind comfort assessments.

  • Multiple Meshing Strategies: Offers three distinct meshing strategies, enabling users to tailor their approach based on project requirements and computational resources.

  • Parallel Simulations Across 16 Wind Directions: Accelerates analysis times by running simulations for 16 different wind directions simultaneously.

  • Modular Workflow with Separate Executable Stages: Provides flexibility with independently executable stages for meshing, solving, and post-processing, allowing for targeted adjustments and iterations.

  • Access to a Comprehensive Weather Stations Database: Easily integrate accurate, location-specific environmental data into simulations using our extensive weather stations database.

  • Simplified Location Selection: Streamlines the process of setting up simulations with an easy-to-use interface for selecting project locations and automatically incorporating relevant data.

  • Designed for All Users: Features simple and advanced modes to accommodate both novice users looking for ease of use and experts requiring detailed control for fine-tuning.

Our Pedestrian Wind Comfort template is tailored to empower professionals to efficiently evaluate and improve the wind comfort levels in urban outdoor spaces, contributing to safer, more enjoyable environments.

New Features and Enhancements#

New Dashboard#

We're excited to introduce an enhanced personal dashboard in this release. The new dashboard is designed to provide you with a comprehensive overview of your workspace at a glance. Key features include:

  • Personal Projects Overview: Quickly access all your personal projects directly from the dashboard. This makes it easier to manage and navigate through your work.

  • Access to Shared Projects: View projects shared with you by others. This feature simplifies collaboration, allowing you to see which projects you have access to without digging through emails or messages.

  • Runs and Resource Management: The dashboard now displays recent runs across all applications, offering insights into the resources currently in use. This visibility helps you monitor and manage your resource utilization more effectively.

New AWS 192-Core Hpc7a Machine: Ideal for CFD Computations#

We're excited to announce the addition of AWS EC2 Hpc7a instances to our suite of computational resources. With 192 cores powered by 4th Gen AMD EPYC processors, these machines offer significant advantages over the existing 96-core options, especially for large-scale Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) computations. Key benefits include:

  • Superior Performance: The 192-core configuration provides unparalleled processing power, making it even faster than our current 96-core machines.

  • Optimized for CFD: Combined with fast Lustre Storage, these instances offer the ideal setup for handling large, complex CFD computations efficiently.

This upgrade is designed to accelerate your workflows, enhance computational efficiency, and deliver faster insights for large-scale CFD projects.

Expanded GPU Machine Offerings for Calculations and Remote Rendering#

We've broadened our GPU machine offerings to include cutting-edge Nvidia technology, catering to a wide range of computational and remote rendering needs. The new additions are:

  • Nvidia T4 (2 CPU - 16GB VRAM): Ideal for entry-level GPU computations and small to medium rendering tasks.
  • Nvidia T4 (4 CPU - 32GB VRAM): Offers a balance of power and performance for more demanding computational tasks and rendering.
  • Nvidia 4xA10G (24 CPU - 96GB VRAM): The ultimate choice for high-end calculations and complex remote rendering projects, providing massive computational power and memory.

These GPU machines are tailored to support a variety of applications, from simple calculations to intensive rendering workloads, ensuring optimal performance and efficiency for your projects.

Enhanced Real-Time Billing Details#

In our latest update, we've significantly improved the billing system to provide more transparency and control over your usage costs. Key features include:

  • Detailed Machine Usage Breakdown: Receive information on every machine used, including type and specifications, ensuring you know exactly what you're paying for.

  • Minute-by-Minute Usage Tracking: Billing now includes how many minutes each machine was used, offering precise insights into your resource consumption.

  • Near Real-Time Bill Updates: Stay informed with updates to your current bill almost in real-time, allowing for better budget management and cost forecasting.

This enhancement is designed to give you a clearer understanding of your spending, helping to optimize your resource usage and manage expenses more effectively.

Introducing Simplified Pricing Model#

We're excited to roll out our new simplified pricing model, designed to make your experience with us more straightforward and transparent. Key highlights of this new model include:

  • No Licenses: Forget about keeping track of license fees. We've eliminated them entirely to simplify your expenses.
  • No Subscriptions: We've done away with subscription fees, allowing you greater flexibility without the worry of recurring charges.
  • Pay for What You Use: You only pay for your actual computational costs, plus a transparent ~20% dicehub fee. This model ensures that you're only billed for the resources you consume, making costs predictable and aligned with your usage.

This new pricing structure is part of our commitment to providing value and transparency, ensuring you have the freedom and flexibility to scale your projects according to your needs.

OpenFOAM Templates: Time Reset Feature#

We've added a new functionality to OpenFOAM templates, enabling you to reset the time to 0 for your imported solutions. This feature allows for the repurposing of imported or reimported results, with the convenience of starting the first time step at 0.

Automated Material Point Placement Using Ray Casting Algorithm (snappyHexMesh Template)#

In our latest update, we've introduced an innovative feature that significantly enhances user interaction with geometry in simulations. By integrating a custom algorithm with ray casting techniques, users can now:

  • Effortless Material Point Placement: Simply click on the geometry within your project, and the material point will be automatically positioned inside it. This intuitive process eliminates the guesswork and manual adjustments previously required.

  • Advanced Algorithm for Accurate Determination: Our custom algorithm, in conjunction with ray casting, accurately identifies the interior of any given geometry. This ensures that the material point is always correctly placed, streamlining the setup process for simulations.

This feature is designed to improve efficiency and accuracy in setting up your simulations, allowing for more precise modeling and analysis.

Smaller things and bug fixes#

  • Jupyter Lab URL Fix: Corrected the URL for accessing Jupyter Lab in the run tab, facilitating seamless integration with data analysis tools.
  • Result Panel Performance: Addressed performance issues in the result panel, ensuring faster and more efficient access to simulation outcomes.
  • CaseRun Enhancements: Improved the visibility and functionality of the "Stop and write results" feature, enhancing user control over simulation runs.
  • Documentation Text Style Correction: Fixed text style inconsistencies in documentation, improving readability and user guidance.
  • GraphQL API Request Optimization: Optimized the number of requests made to the GraphQL API, improving the responsiveness and efficiency of template interactions.
  • Universal Camera Reset: Fixed camera reset functionality across all templates, ensuring a consistent and intuitive user interface.
  • New OpenFOAM Versions: Templates were updated to OpenFOAM-11.